Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Samsung GT I9190 Clone MT6571 Free Officeil Firmware 1000 Tested by Mina Telecom

Samsung GT I9190 Clone MT6571 Free Officeil Firmware 1000 Tested by Mina Telecom

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Registry Mechanic 2011 v10 0 0 126 Serial

Registry Mechanic 2011 v10 0 0 126 Serial

Registry Mechanic menawarkan mudah-ke-menggunakan alat optimasi untuk mempercepat dan meningkatkan stabilitas Anda, Windows 7 Windows Vista, atau Windows XP PC. Terlepas dari tingkat keahlian Anda, Registry Mechanic aman membersihkan, perbaikan, dan mengoptimalkan registry dan otomatis punggung Facebook perubahan untuk pemulihan di masa depan. Sekarang termasuk alat yang penting untuk memperbaiki celah keamanan Windows. Permanen menghapus aktivitas internet Anda, file pribadi, dan ruang bebas untuk menjaga informasi Anda dari mencongkel mata.

Optimalkan registry anda dan mempercepat PC Anda!

Dengan Registry Mechanic Anda dengan aman dapat membersihkan, memperbaiki dan mengoptimalkan registry Windows Anda ? «dengan beberapa klik mouse sederhana! Masalah dengan Windows registry adalah penyebab umum dari crash Windows, kinerja lambat dan pesan kesalahan. Dengan secara teratur menggunakan registry cleaner untuk memperbaiki kesalahan registri sistem anda akan lebih cepat, lebih stabil dan kinerja sistem akan memperbaiki tanpa upgrade perangkat keras yang mahal. Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang pentingnya bersih registri registri dengan wawasan kita.

Registry Mechanic menggunakan algoritma deteksi kinerja tinggi untuk dengan cepat mengidentifikasi referensi hilang dan tidak sah dalam registri Windows Anda. penggunaan normal sehari-hari, menginstal dan menghapus perangkat lunak, hilang atau driver hardware korup, dan surfing internet dapat entri registry yang korup ??é £ ¼ ?Ç memperlambat PC Anda dan bahkan menabrak itu.

Dengan beberapa langkah mudah, Registry Mechanic akan memindai seluruh registri untuk setiap entri yang tidak valid dalam registri Windows dan menyediakan daftar terperinci dari semua kesalahan registri ditemukan. Anda kemudian dapat memilih untuk selektif bersih setiap item atau secara otomatis memperbaiki semuanya. Untuk kenyamanan Anda dan perlindungan, Registry Mechanic membuat cadangan dari setiap perbaikan yang dibuat sehingga Anda dengan mudah dapat memulihkan perubahan apapun jika diperlukan.

BARU! Melindungi privasi Internet Anda. Registry Mechanic membantu melindungi privasi Internet Anda dengan memastikan semua jejak Internet online Anda dan aktivitas komputer secara permanen dihapus dan dipulihkan pada PC Anda. Informasi dari setiap website yang Anda kunjungi dari komputer Anda disimpan dan direkam di lokasi tersembunyi Windows termasuk file-file sementara, cookie, sistem registry dan file Index.dat. Web browser hanya menyediakan perlindungan privasi parsial dengan membiarkan beberapa file temporer browsing internet dan cookies untuk dihapus, tetapi mereka tidak membersihkan data dari semua file yang tersembunyi juga tidak menghapus sejarah aman.

BONUS! Menghapus file secara permanen dan ruang disk yang tidak terpakai pemutih keras. Registry Mechanic sekarang termasuk file aman memotong-motong untuk menyimpan semua data pribadi dan sensitif dari mencongkel mata. Hal ini juga pemutih disk bebas Anda ruang hard untuk perlindungan ekstra. Hanya karena Anda mengosongkan Recycle Bin Windows Anda tidak berarti dokumen dan file yang hilang. Menggunakan perangkat lunak pemulihan sederhana, siapapun bisa dengan mudah mengembalikan file yang sebelumnya. Registry Mechanic memastikan bahwa file Anda dihapus tinggal dihapus oleh pemutihan ruang hard disk bebas Anda.

Registry Mechanic 2011.v10.0.0.126+Serial

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Serial Box v2 2016 Mac OSx Serial Reader SerialSeeker

Serial Box v2 2016 Mac OSx Serial Reader SerialSeeker

Serial Box v2. 2016 With Serial Reader & Seeker For MAC OS X Download Free
Serialbox 2016 MAC
Serialbox 2016 tool running on machintosh. It provides you bundle of serial key for the MAC operating system. It also contain the full process how to activate & register. It contain working serial number & full information about methods of activation. Free download Serial Box For Mac OS & enjoy. Download link is available in here. Just single click & download for free.
Serial Box v2. 2016 Mac OS X || 10 MB
Download Now

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SAIGON 22 5 2016

SAIGON 22 5 2016

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Monday, May 29, 2017

Reset Epson L565 Chile Reset De Almohadillas Descarga gratis

Reset Epson L565 Chile Reset De Almohadillas Descarga gratis

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Remove Unused Driver In Windows XP

Remove Unused Driver In Windows XP

Windows XP ????????? ??????????????? ???????????????????? device driver ?????? ???????????????? ?????????????? ?????? ???????????????? ?????????????????? ????????????????? ???????????? ?????? ???? Windows ???? device driver ???????? ????????????????? Operating System ?? windows ???????????????? device driver ??????? loading ?????????? ??????????????????????? ???????????? ??????????? ????????????? device ????????????? ????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? device driver ??????????? loading ????????????

???????????????? ???? device ?? driver ??????? ??????????? ?????????????????????????? ????????? ??? ????????????? ??????????????? ?????? ???????????????? ????????????????????? ???? ??????????? ?????????????

??????????? ??????????????? device driver ??????? ???????????????? ??????????????????????? ??????? ?????????????????????????? ?????????-

(1) System Properties dialog box ??? ????????????????? Keyboard ?? [Windows] ????? [Break] Key ??????? ???????????????? ????????????? desktop ?????? My Computer icon ??????? Right Click - Properties ?????????? ???????????????

(2) ??????? Advanced Tab ??? click ?????????????? Environment Variables ??? ????????????????

(3) System Variable panel ??? ??????????? New button ??????? click ????????

(4) New System Variables dialog box ??????????? Variable Name ????????? devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices ?? ?????????????? Variable Value ??????????? 1 ?? ???????????????????????????

(5) ????????? System Properties dialog box ???? ???????????????? OK ??? click ???????? ????????? OK ??? click ?????????????

(6) Hardware Tab ??? ??????????????? Device Manager button ??? click ???????? Device Manager ??? View menu ??????? Show hidden device ??? click ????????????????

(7) Device Tree ???????? device ???????????????? ???????? ?????????????????? + sing icon ??????? click ?????????????? ???????????????? device driver icon ??????? ????????????

(8) ??????? ????????????? device driver ??????? ??????????????? icon ??????? Right Click ????????? Uninstall ??? ??????????? ????????????? ??????????????????? ???????? ????????????????? device driver ??????? ?????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ?????? ??????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????? ???????????? ??????????

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Reset Waste Ink Canon MPC 190

Reset Waste Ink Canon MPC 190

Canon MPC190
Reset Waste Ink
1) Masuk ke SERVICE MODE.
dengan menekan Menu, Copy, Scan, Copy, Copy (tekan saja urutan tombolnya, jgn ditahan)
2) Pilih TEST MODE.
4) Pilih 3. [EEPROM CLEAR].
5) Piliht 0. [INK COUNT].
6) Tekan tombol [Set]
7) Tekan tombol [Stop/Reset] , kemudian tekan tombol [ON/OFF]

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Reset epson R 3000  hanya rp. 35.000,- sekarang jaringan boleh pakai usb modem, speedy, dan lain lain, tidak repot, tidak perlu membawa unit, tidak perlu mengirimkan board, dan membongkar printer. cukup memberikan id dan pasword team viewer sahabat. 

Sahabat BW, Karena banyaknya permintaan agar bisa meriset Epson R3000 , dari itu BW Siap membantu sahabat.

Riset Printer diperlukan karena printer mendeteksi Print anda sudah melebihi batas print, sehingga secara otomatis fungsi printer akan berhenti, dengan ditandai lampu merah dan hijau berkedip.

Solusinya memflashing memory EEPROM agar kembali Nol, seperti pabrikan awalnya.

Maka dari itu diperlukan reset printer.

Tapi sahabat reset printer type ini sayang sekali tidak gratis.

Kami menawarkan jasa reset Rp. 35.000,-

Tips dari BW, agar tidak cepat blingking, jangan seringkali printer di head cleaning, apalagi powerfull cleaning, ini mempercepat Blingking,

Gunakan Head Clening seperlunya jika hasil tidak keluar.

Sekian dari BW . Silahkan Hubungi BW Jika sahabat membutuhkan jasa reset Epson R 3000.

Alhamdulilah sekarang sudah bisa reset program by online, tanpa perlu repot repot datang ketempat kami, dengan membawa unit   dengan ketentuan seperti berikut : 

1. Instal Team Viewer di tempat anda . 
2. Kirim Number ID Team Viewer  dan paswordnya 
3. Kirim  Uang jasa reset ke rekening kami. 
4. perlihatkan bukti transfernya ke whatsup kami 
5. Dan kami akan meremote Komputer anda. 

Dapatkan harga discount bila anda me like blog kami dan facebook kami beserta twiter. smoga info ini dapat membantu sahabat yang berada di luar daerah.  

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Resep Telur Dadar Resto Padang

Resep Telur Dadar Resto Padang

Resep Masakan Padang kali ini mengenai bagaimana cara membuat hidangan untuk sarapan pagi yaitu tentang Resep Telur Dadar Resto Padang. Telur dadar ala Padang ini yang pasti enak dan lezat sekali karena terdiri dari beberapa campuran bahan sehingga apabila dimakan dengan nasi akan nikmat sekali. Yuk simak bagaimana cara membuat telur dadar resto padang dibawah ini.

Resep Telur Dadar Resto Padang

Dalam proses pembuatan telur dadar ala padang ini beberapa bahan-bahan yang diperlukan seperti dibawah ini :

Bahan-bahan membuat telur dadar resto padang :
- Telur bebek 5 butir
- Kelapa parut 100 gr
- Tepung Beras 2 sdm
- Daun Bawang 2 batang diiris halus
- Daun seledri 1 batangcincang halus
- Bawang bombai ½ bagian rajang halus
- Minyak goreng

Bumbu Halus :
- 5 bh bawang merah
- 2 bh bawang putih
- 5 bh cabe merah

Cara Membuat Telur Dadar Resto Padang :
  1. Cuci bersih daun bawang, daun seledri potong sesuai petunjuk, sisihkan.
  2. Giling kelapa parut sampai halus, sisihkan.
  3. Siapkan wadah, masukkan telor  kocok lepas, lalu masukkan bumbu halus,daun bawang, seledri, bawang bombay aduk rata. Ambil tepung beras, larutkan dengan sedikirt air lalu campurkan dengan adonan telur
  4. Siapkan wajan tambahkan minyak goreng lalu panaskan. Tuang adonan telur di tengah-tengah wajan lalu tutup. Tunggu sampai satu bagian agak kuning kecoklatan lalu balik adonan telur. Tutup wajan kembali, gunakan api sedang untuk mematangkan dadar telor
  5. Setelah warna kecoklatan merata dan telur matang, angkat dan tiriskan
  6. Kini telur dadar resto Padang sudah siap untuk dihidangkan

Demikianlah tips membuat telur dadar resto padang yang dapat anda coba dan cocok sekali untuk sarapan pagi.

Sumber :

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Sunday, May 28, 2017

root CF lumen 2 51

root CF lumen 2 51

Download [root] CF.lumen 2.51 APK for your Android Smartphone.

Current Version: 2.51

Requires Android: Varies with device

Category: Tools

v2.51 update:


- Fix: ignore light sensor triggered sleep if forced awake during sleep hours


- Installer fixes for AOSP and “L” Preview

- Added wake button to notification during sleep mode, which goes to sundown mode and is the default tap response – in contrast to disable, which disables all filters and is the default tap response while not sleeping

- Fixed issue where starting CF.lumen would not start the driver/service when not using Pro, and nothing would happen regarding screen colors


CF.lumen adapts the colors on your Android device based on the position of the sun, or your custom configuration.

When using the default settings, your display will get a warmer tint (lower color temperature) when the sun is down, vastly reducing strain on the eyes. Blue light makes your brain want to stay awake, and a lower color temperatures reduces the amount of blue displayed; using this in the evening reduces your brain’s effort to keep you awake at night. (See f.lux for your PC)

During sleeping hours by default a red filter is used. Red strains your eyes the least, and retains your night vision.

Light sensor

The light sensor can be used to automagically adjust the color: switch to the sleep filter in full dark, or to the day filter (usually none) under bright lights.

Because light sensor quality varies wildly between devices, a calibration option is provided to experiment with.

Color filters

Several filters are provided. Those named after a color (red, green, blue, amber, salmon) do not limit the display to those colors, but convert the displayed image to grayscale first, then display that image in levels of the selected color. This preserves details that would otherwise be lost.

Grayscale, invert colors, temperature adjustment and custom R/G/B adjustment filters are also provided.


The master color filter setting also has an option for colorblindness enhancement, with settings for protanopia/anomaly, deuteranopia/anomaly and tritanopia/anomaly. These options redistribute colors across the spectrum, in theory enhancing clarity and color detail.

No claims are made to the effectiveness of these filters, but positive reports have been received from testers. Note that these filters were thought up by Google engineers, CF.lumen just includes them.

Pro version

Upgrading to CF.lumen Pro will support my developments, remove all nags, unlock the option to start at device boot (make sure you test your configuration first), and unlock notification options.

In Pro mode, the notification adds convenient buttons to quickly disable the current filter or switch to sleep mode, and you can switch the notification to when enabled mode, which shows the notification only when a color filter is active.

In non-Pro mode, the notification only asks you to upgrade to Pro. It may seem that notification is just there to annoy you, but it actually prevents Android from randomly killing the background service taking care of all the work. Getting rid of it without getting the service killed can be done by going to Settings -> Apps -> CF.lumen and unticking Show notifications.

As in the past CF.lumen was part of Chainfire3D, if you have the Pro package of the latter installed, Pro mode will also be enabled.


When no color filter is active, there should not be any noticeable performance impact. When a filter is active, impact depends on device and what you are doing. On some devices we have tested there was no performance impact at all, on others it was slightly noticeable.


Keep in mind that Android’s rendering system changes over time. You should be aware that this app may simply stop working on future Android versions without the possibility of a fix.

Scary permissions

By far most permissions are used only for Google Maps to set your location, and Google Play to provide for In-App Purchases. I cannot make any claims as to what information the Google components do or do not send to Google servers, but no information is sent to me or anyone else (than Google).


Even more information, discussion, and support, can be found in this app’s thread on XDA-Developers:

Download [root] CF.lumen 2.51 APK here.

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Remove Malware With RegRun Reanimator

Remove Malware With RegRun Reanimator

Malware like Trojans/Adware/Rootkits  are software   designed to infiltrate a computer system without the owners informed consent , which  damage your pc and your security.RegRun Reanimator is a handy tool designed to help you remove such malicious programs from your computer.

After scanning  Reanimator will show you a list of the suspicious files it found ,you will be allowed to decide if they are actually a threat or not by clicking on them.Greatis Support team  will support you if you send a log report to them  for analysis.They will provide you a .rnr file which you can use to continue with the malware removal.

7-10-2010 05-18-29

Reanimator makes a boot scan at the reboot of the system to detect easier hidden rootkits, has a registry guard tool to protect registry, makes system restore points, has a restore manager with registry rescue, safe deleting features, is able to unlock banned task manager and Regedit after a virus attack and makes/restores backups.The scanning process is fast, the software generates reports after virus scanning, the software is also able to protect the computer against USB flash viruses.

Download |Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP/2003/VISTA/7 | Tutorial |8.2MB |Freeware

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Reset Epson C63 End of Service Life Error message Update Epson Resetter

Reset Epson C63 End of Service Life Error message Update Epson Resetter

Reset Epson C63 End of Service Life Error message - Update

New Post has been published on

Reset Epson C63 End of Service Life Error message

If Epson C63 printer shows problem message “The Printer’s Ink Pads at the end of Their service life” and your Epson C63 printer has red light blinking error: You should be download and reset Epson C63 printer Waste Ink Counter with WIC Reset Utility Tool (how to reset) Epson…

Welcome to

You can download wic reset utility and get resetkey at

Post via Tumblr

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Resetter Canon Mp258 Free Download

Resetter Canon Mp258 Free Download

Resetter Printer Canon iP2770 Free Download
Printer Canon Mp258  

Resetter Canon Mp258 Free Download 

When we need to print something, the printer is error, then we have to find solution to solve it. you need to reset your printer. For you who need to reset your Canon  Mp258 Printer, here is the best place for you to download the resetter.

This is how to reset Canon Mp258

  • Turn On your printer until you see Error Eo8 comes up, and you also see "The Ink Absorber is Almost Full"  on your monitor.
  • Prepare Resetter Canon Service Tool v3400 (can be downloaded by clicking the download link below)
  • Make your printer in Service Mode. This is how to do it:

    • Turn of the Error Printer by pushing POWER button, do not unplug the Power Cable
    • Press and hold the STOP/RESET button together with POWER button
    • Release STOP/RESET  button but do not release POWER button
    • While you are still pressing the POWER Button, Press STOP/RESET 6 times
    • then release both of button (STOP/RESET and POWER Buttons) at the same time, then your printer will be in the Service Mode

  • The computer will detect a new device/hardware, ignore it
  • Then extract and run the Resetter Canon Service Tool v3400
  • In the menu absorber clear ink counter Choose Main then click  SET in the right side.
  • In the menu ink absorber counter choose Main then click  SET  in the right side. 
  • Then click  EEOPROM. then a printer will print a page.
  • Youre done. the printer will works well.

    Resetter Printer Canon iP2770 Free Download

    Resetter Canon  Mp258 Free Download link


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    Setting up a company in the fastest and cheapest rate!

    Setting up a company in the fastest and cheapest rate!

    Cebu Business Outsourcing Solution (CBOS) is an experienced firm in the field of setting up a company in the fastest and cheapest rate. We understand all the aspects of starting a new business, since we have dealt and registered with multiple and legitimate businesses in Cebu. We can help you with your business registration requirements in Cebu, providing the financial information needed to help you monitor and optimize your business performance. Our aim is to help you grow your business while we take care the accounting, business registration, payroll, government compliance and other services. For more details, call us at:
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    Saturday, May 27, 2017

    Shadows of the Dark Crystal

    Shadows of the Dark Crystal

    by Cory Godbey

    Deep within the remote swamplands of Sog, a young Gelfling woman called Naia encounters a mysterious silver-haired traveler who brings life-altering news from the All-Maudra. No longer bound to remain in her small village, Naia embarks on a journey to the Castle of the Crystal—the home of the Skeksis overlords who have accused her twin brother of treason. 
    Unwilling to accept these accusations, Naia hopes to learn the truth about her brother. However, the truths that she uncovers reveal something far greater than the fate of one Gelfling or even of the whole Gelfling race. 
    Something dark is spreading throughout Thra, and there are those who will do whatever it takes to ensure that its true nature remains hidden.
    Im sure that one of these days Brian Froud is going to come swinging out his front door with a broom and chase me off his lawn. Until then, Im happy to say that over the last few years Ive had the very good fortune to work in an official capacity with Labyrinth and now The Dark Crystal. 

    SHADOWS OF THE DARK CRYSTAL is the first in a new series of novels from author J. M. Lee, publisher Grosset & Dunlap (an imprint of Penguin Random House) and The Jim Henson Co.

    For this new series, Ive had the oppurtunity to create the interior illustrations. And hey, before I forget, Ill be doing a signed copy giveaway! See the end of the post for more information.

    Cover art by Brian Froud
    About the story itself, Lee has pulled off something amazing. Speaking as a big fan of the original film, hes not only nailed the tone and feel of this world but he (seemingly effortlessly) has smoothed out the edges of that world and documented, with a lot of heart, what he found beyond the walls of the movie. Its fresh, fun, and fast-paced. The story honors the original work while being completely its own new creation.

    There are eight black and white interior illustrations in total and each one presented a special challenge. Heres a look at a couple of them and then below Ill walk through the steps, start to finish.

    For many of these illustrations I put together several different thumbnails and compositions. This particular piece, though, was the unusual instance where I felt that I had immediately hit on the idea I wanted so I presented only two (admittedly pretty similar) ideas.

    Digital rough painted over the initial thumbnail.
    Brown pencil rough.

    Finished drawing.

    Watercolor sky. I knew that I wanted to persevere the original drawing
    so I did this separately and knit it together digitally.


    I had such a great time getting to read the manuscript in advance. And goodness, imagining my way through the illustrations was some of the most fun Ive ever had working on a book. 

    Because I cant help it, heres a look at one more progression. I really liked each one of these thumbnails and would have been happy to take any of them to final (though in the end they chose the right one; Im glad it wasnt totally up to me). Thanks, Giuseppe!

    You know, it was probably seven or eight years ago I heard that Henson was going to be expanding on Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal. New books, comics, all that kind of stuff. And when I heard it I just remember thinking, "I want in on that." Ive been gratified to see the response to my work.

    Sketchbook page of thumbnails.

    Digital roughs.

    Hey, that giveaway I mentioned! Two places to enter, check my Twitter and Instagram, 11 AM EDT for more information. Both are @corygodbey.

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    Resep Kue Black Forest Enak dan Nikmat

    Resep Kue Black Forest Enak dan Nikmat

    Kue black forest biasanya digunakan untuk acara ulang tahun. Untuk membuat kue black forest yang rasanya enak dan nikmat tidaklah begitu sulit. Nah simak bagaimana Cara Membuat Kue Black Forest dibawah ini.

    Resep Kue Black Forest Enak dan Nikmat

    Cara membuat kue Black Forest dengan menggunakan sponge cake :

    Bahan Kue Black Forest :
    • 8 btr Telur (ukuran sedang)
    • 60 gr coklat bubuk (kalau mau hitam pakai Africain Chocolate)
    • 40 gr maizena
    • 100 gr terigu
    • 1 sdm Sponge-28 (bisa di hilangkan atau diganti dengan emulsifier)
    • 100 gr mentega, lelehkan,dinginkan.
    • 200 gr gula pasir
    • ¼ sdt vanilli
    • 500 gr whipped cream yang sudah dikocok kaku
    • 100 gr dark cooking chocolate
    • 10 bh strawberry segar
    • 1 klg cherry hitam, saring pisahkan airnya.

    Cara Membuat Kue Black Forest :
    1. Campur terigu, coklat bubuk dan maizena, aduk rata.
    2. Kocok telur, gula dan Sponge-28 hingga mengembang dan kental, masukkan campuran tepung sambil diayak, aduk hingga tercampur rata, masukkan mentega leleh aduk rata.
    3. Tuang dalam loyang bulat kotak ukuran 20x20x7 cm, oven hingga matang, dinginkan.
    4. Potong melintang menjadi tiga bagian, basahi dengan air cherry hitam.
    5. Letakkan satu lapis cake, oles dengan whipped cream, lalu atur belahan cherry hitam diatasnya, tumpuk diatasnya lapisan kedua oles dan beri cherry hitam lagi, tumpuk lagi lapisan teratas, rapikan.
    6. Oles seluruh cake tadi dengan whipped cream, hias dengan dark cooking chocolate yang sudah dicetak hingga tertutup semua.
    7. Semprotkan whipped cream, hias dengan strawberry segar.

    Tips Membuat Kue Black Forest :
    1. Untuk membuat black forest yang lebih ekonomis, dark cherry bisa dihilangkan, dan untuk membasahi tiap lapisan cake bisa menggunakan simple syrup yang dibuat dari air+gula pasir yang direbus bersamaan dengan perbandingan 1:1
    2. Whipped cream juga bisa diganti dengan butter cream supaya lebih ekonomis
    3. Cara mudah untuk membuat hiasan pinggir black forest adalah dengan membuat potongan coklat tipis dengan menggunakan pisau yang bergerigi. Namun kalau kita punya cetakan coklat pagar atau arabesques juga bisa digunakan.
    4. Topping (hiasan bagian atas) bisa menggunakan buah maupun coklat curl yang dibuat dengan menggunakan alat untuk mengerok melon/pepaya.
    Nah silahkan anda coba resep kue black forest enak dan nikmat, semoga bermanfaat.

    sumber :

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    Safari Latest Version Offline Installer Free Download

    Safari Latest Version Offline Installer Free Download

    Safari 2014 Latest version:

    Safari is a internet browser to search online data. It is developed by Apple Inc. Initially its beta version has been introduced in 7 January, 2003. Apple has made it for download as web browser and as native web browser for iPhone. Its version for windows operating system was first avail on June 11, 2007. At that time it was helping both Home windows XP and windows Vista.

    Safari latest version offline installer free download

    This is an amazing web browser which helps to save your time through its speed searching techniques. There is no need of specific training to download and install it on your pc. There is a given download link existing below to download its authorized and latest version because we have brought you this download link from safaris official sites. So there you will not face any difficulty and problem while the downloading and in your online working.

    Features of Safari Web browser:
    1. The latest safari version has tabbed browsing feature
    2. It has another features that is Bookmark administration that develop bookmarking function in your browser.
    3. It has resizable internet search box 
    4. It has advert blocking pop-up feature
    5. It has bookmark search and history for you
    6. It has text searching box
    7. It has multiple bars
    8. It has a helpful feature that is spell-checking which helps while in your online working.
    Click to download latest version of safari offline installer here

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    Friday, May 26, 2017

    Retta Creative Multi Purpose PSD Template Creative download

    Retta Creative Multi Purpose PSD Template Creative download

    Retta – Creative Multi-Purpose PSD Template

    Retta is a complete PSD item offering numerous sections to create a full website, suited to any business. The files contains 5 different Homepages, services, blog , portfolio and many more. All the PSD files are well organized in folders and pixel perfect making it easy to work with.

    Files Index

    • 01_home_1

    • 01_home_2

    • 01_home_3

    • 01_home_4

    • 01_home_5

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    Secret codes for Nokia

    Secret codes for Nokia

    Codes :
    1) *#06# For checking IMEI(international Mobile Equipment Identity)
    2) *#7780# Reset to factory settings
    3) *#0000# To view software version
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    Reset Epson Stylus NX230 End of Service Life Error message Update Epson Resetter

    Reset Epson Stylus NX230 End of Service Life Error message Update Epson Resetter

    Reset Epson Stylus NX230 End of Service Life Error message - Update

    New Post has been published on

    Reset Epson Stylus NX230 End of Service Life Error message

    If Epson Stylus NX230 printer shows problem message “The Printer’s Ink Pads at the end of Their service life” and your Epson Stylus NX230 printer has red light blinking problem: You have to download and reset Epson Stylus NX230 printer Waste Ink Pads Counter with WIC Reset…

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    You can download wic reset utility and get resetkey at

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    School Of Dragons Hack Tool

    School Of Dragons Hack Tool

    School Of Dragons Hack Tool

    The School Of Dragons Game is inspired by movie How To Traing Your Dragon. Story starting on the island of Berk. On this place vikings with and dragons living together. You are starting as a viking , who have a dragon friend. First levels are specially about delivering some items from place A to place B. Next you will continue with human and dragon bonding. As there will be a dragon race, you have to prepare you dragon. Every action you do in  game needs some time to finish. This means, you don’t need to play this game 24 hours per day. You just need couple of minutes daily , to let your dragon grow and train. Finally, once you are done, you can get your dragon and try flying across the island, where both of you lives. What is bad on this game – without gems and coins, you really can’t enjoy the game. Developer trying to force users, to buy expensive tools and gems for this game. And this is reason why we have developed our School Of Dragons Hack Tool. You can enjoy the full game without any limits !.
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    SAMSUNG S7 MT6580 5 1 Officeil Firmware 100000 Tested by Mina Telecom

    SAMSUNG S7 MT6580 5 1 Officeil Firmware 100000 Tested by Mina Telecom

    Brand     : S7
    ProdName  : full_magc6580_we_l
    ProdModel : S7
    Device    : magc6580_we_l
    AndroidVer: 5.1
    MTKxCPU   : MT6580
    MTKxPRJ   : ALPS.L1.MP6.V2_MAGC6580.WE.L_P35

    [Read Ok] : preloader_magc6580_we_l.bin
    [Read Ok] : lk.bin
    [Read Ok] : boot.img
    [Read Ok] : recovery.img
    [Read Ok] : logo.bin
    [Read Ok] : secro.img
    [Read Ok] : system.img
    [Read Ok] : cache.img
    [Read Ok] : userdata.img

    [ScatCFG] : MT6580 / V1.1.2 / magc6580_we_l / EMMC
    Android Info saved
    MAUI Meta DB saved
    HWConfig Info saved
    FW Size : 1436 MiB

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    How to reset ink level counter Canon Pixma MP140 or MP145 ? we can use manual reset or software resetter, The Canon PIXMA Pixma MP140,  MP145 printer is a popular desktop color house that also serves as a scanner, copier. In some cases, the printer may not realize that you have installed a new ink cartridge but not reset the ink levels. With the reset function of the  Pixma MP140,  MP145, you can restart the unit and normal printing.

    1 PIXMA Pixma MP140,  MP145 printer off by pressing the power button once.
    2 Hold the button "Power" and "Stop / Reset" at the same time. The power light turns on the unit.
    3 Continue holding the Power button, but lets go "Start / Reset" momentarily, then press twice.
    4 Let go of both the "energy" and "Start / Reset" buttons. The PIXMA Pixma MP140 or MP145 is currently in the "service" and standby for a selection of services.
    5 Press the "Start / Reset" four times. The power light on the unit will go from orange to green and the printer is reset.
    6 PIXMA Pixma MP140 or MP145 disconnect from the electrical outlet and then plug it back in and turn it as you would normally.

    Whereas software resetter for Canon Pixma MP140 and Canon MP145 you can using MPtool Software

    Tag: reset Canon Pixma MP140 and Canon MP145 manual - software resetter

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    ResetTER Epson L565 L850 L1300 Xp 702 Xp 802 Epson L1800 reset adjustment procedure

    ResetTER Epson L565 L850 L1300 Xp 702 Xp 802 Epson L1800 reset adjustment procedure

    Reset Epson L120 L130 L220 L310 L360 L356 L365 L455 L565 L850 L1300 Xp-702 Xp-802

    ResetTER Epson L565 L850 L1300 Xp-702 Xp-802 Reset Epson
    I often SKYPE online, convenient for you please talk to SKYPE me,
    My SKYPE account number: yuananok
    My name is :zhengquan Liu
    My MSN email:

    Reset Epson L120

    Reset Epson L130

    Reset Epson L220

    Reset Epson L310

    Reset Epson L360

    Reset Epson L356

    Reset Epson L365

    Reset Epson L455

    Reset Epson L565

    Reset Epson L850

    Reset Epson L1300

    Reset Epson L1800

    Reset Epson Xp-702

    Reset Epson Xp-802


    UNLOCK NOW!!!!!

    Support for various models of Epson printer.




    EPSON XP-802





    RESETS EPSON to OVER 600 printers.



    Remote Assistance

    (Were reset your printer via the internet if you cant do it!)

    Epson L1800 reset adjustment procedure

    Software information:

    Software name: Epson L1800 reset adjustment procedure

    Software category: Miscellaneous tools

    Software category: localization software/free software

    Operating environment: Win2003, WinXP, Win2000, Vista, Win7,Win8

    Updated: 2015-5-5

    Software language: English

    License: free software

    Software size: 920KB

    Software Description:

    Epson printer L1800, you use after a certain time, it will happen, the printer does not work and change cartridge paper exit button flashing, it means the waste ink is 


    Head-end prompts the printer parts expires, this situation please do not worry, here is zero maintenance software for you, let you learn how to to reset the machine, 

    so the machine would get back to new

    Like at the beginning.

    Software reset step tutorial:

    1, first of all the correct printer driver is installed, and attach the computer.

    2, download, unzip, and double-click "AdjProg.exe" open L1800 reset adjustment procedure.

    3, after entering the software, select "Accept" and then click on the "SUelect" youve set for the printer.

    4, back to the window, select "Perticulafr adjustment moUde", select: Waste ink pad counter.

    5, followed by check: Main and Platen pad coUunter pad Counte.

    6, hits: Check, then follow the prompts, and then finally click on: Initialization.

    7, according to tip off the printer, and then press OK.

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