Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Relaxation Techniques For Relaxation skin

Relaxation Techniques For Relaxation skin

Blond woman lying in fieldMore than 18 years working as an esthetician make a Kate Somerville to the conclusion that problems in one’s mental state can affect the skin beauty. That the calm and happy spirit will shine on your skin as well.

She recommends that his patients do relaxation techniques to restore the skin’s beauty. Here are ways you can do:


Conscious or not, when we feel nervous and panic, we will start to breathe fast and short, in fact some of us who actually hold my breath. Try to start the habit to sit still and take a moment to be able to catch his breath. Sit in a quiet place for you can focus on your breathing.

Try to do 5-6 decision and exhalation in a minute (on average we breathe 15 times in 1 minute). Inhale using the diaphragm and push with the stomach. Wait a few counts, then exhale slowly. According to the study, doing this can lower blood pressure and good for the body’s immune health. When you start to feel relaxed, breathing deeply and regularly can affect the circulation of blood and oxygen to the brain, also to the skin. All body cells need oxygen flow is fixed and good to live, get the required nutrients.


Often feel stiff shoulders and neck? If yes, it’s time you do a progressive relaxation. The trick, lie on the floor that has been given a pedestal. Make sure the body is not too restrictive and impede the flow of oxygen or blood. Open your legs slightly and place your hands at your sides with palms facing up. Notice your breath.

As you inhale, try to tighten the muscles in the parts of your body, hold up to several counts, ranging from the foot. When exhaling, release the tightened muscle. Start from the legs, buttocks, abdomen, chest, arms, hands, shoulders, neck, and face in turn. Do a tightening of these muscles, then release. When you’re used to doing this, you will be more aware of how to reduce tension on the muscles in the body.


Meditation is a deep physical relaxation combined with mental alertness, and there are many ways to get this condition. One of the ways in which to meditate is to sit down, focus on something that takes your attention; a word, image, breath, or other things. No need to sit with legs crossed yoga-style meditation, you can sit on the bench with your back straight and feet flat on the floor and put your hands in your lap. Meditation has been made since long, including also in the teachings of religion, such as praying.

Close your eyes, breathe slowly and naturally, but focus on the sense of breathing in and out of your body. Enjoy the cool sensation as you breathe in exhaled air and the warm current. It is important to rid your mind of things that stress you out for a while. Meditation is an effective stress reliever to be done on a regular basis. Try to meditate a few minutes each day.


Some yoga exercises, such as hatha yoga, discovered by the researchers could reduce levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, and makes the skin is not healthy. In addition, yoga is done regularly can also make the body more balanced, maintained posture, plus a more healthy skin.

Cardio exercise

As is known, practicing sports can help foster a spirit because of the heart to pump blood to flow more freely, plus increase the flow of oxygen throughout the body, including skin. Research shows that there is a direct relationship between exercise and reduction of mild inflammation in the skin tissue, and this seems to occur because the blood flow and oxygen increases. The study also said that the skin of those who practice sports often look thicker than a rare sport.


Steam is a basic component of the facial because it opens the pores and help cleanup. Warm ambient conditions also relax blood vessels and promote circulation.


Massage can help the flow limpatik. Limpatik system is a complex network and is the organ responsible for releasing toxins from healthy cells. Massage helps the movement of fluid through the system, help reduce metabolic waste, excess fluid, and bacteria. Limpatik massage also helps hydrate the skin, reduce toxins, get rid of acne, and can even reduce the appearance of cellulite.

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