Tuesday, March 7, 2017

SalomeToXQual pl

SalomeToXQual pl

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

=head1 NAME

Read in Salomé_TMF exported .xml file.
Choose a Test Plan and set of tests to import.
Write out .xml or .csv that XQual can read.


Salomé project INX8000-OLC
-> Data exchange format -> Export xml xml_export_olc_all.xml (file saved to Desktop)

Read in that file (as XML).
Read in Famille Nom, offer user choice of Famille Nom and/or SuiteTest Nom to choose.
Read in all wanted particular items matching Famille and SuiteTest.
Save to ; delimited .csv (awkward with excel) and " " indented for "with testplan" option.
Write fields out (some values merged, others generated/hardcoded).

=head1 SPEC

I tried doing this Salome_TMF export -> excel -> .csv -> XStudio.
But excel .csv output is annoyingly limited.
Possibly could get closer with openoffice but feh.

=head2 INPUT Salome_TMF .xml format



Area for tests which are parts of this phase of testing


=head2 Mapping Salomé .xml/.xls fields to XStudio format

A+BI+BJ (projet+id_famille+Nom) category; (set to 4) priority; (set to "") canonicalPath;(set to test script name) path
BM (id_test) index; (set to 1) implemented; BP (Nom) name;
CK+CL+CM step;param1,param2,...; CN check1,check2,...

=head2 XQual XStudio .csv and .xml import format

Format .xml or .csv or .csv with test plan
The .xml format (detailed below) for import I have not tested.
The IDs are in the .xml, how would we decide on those when importing?
So Im using use .csv to import.

Tests and Testcases (without testplan)

OR Tests and Testcases (with testplan>, indentation spaces matter)
category;priority;canonicalPath;path(script name)

=head2 OUTPUT XStudio .csv in format

# the indentation whitespace matters
# test path must begin with /
# numeric fields must be numeric
# ColdRestartsOfTCS.tcl is the script for this example (one script for all test cases in category)


1159;0;Cold Restarts of TCS with no input power

Action_1075 A0 Check bringup wait time for WSS;;"20 minutes, or longer. [HLD.OPTA.BLK_E.0010]"
Action_1076,A1,There is no optical output during this startup phase [Bringup slides] & R[HLD.OPTA.BLK_E.0011];;Using a power meter confirm
Action_1077,A2,"After warm-up phase complete if BI available, manufacture and calibration phase available then the following three tasks commence 1) CC TX - CC laser and APR ON 2) CC RX - Coarse RX Loop starts 3) Data plane 1st powers and warms up ";;Confirm these tasks commence.
Action_1090,A3,###############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################;;Due to the fact that only part of the functionally is available cannot see without that stubbing that the bring can complete. This step attempts to highlight this issue.

=head2 running

Im using cygwins perl for now. By default XML/LibXML.pm is available.

#!/cygdrive/c/Perl/bin/perl -w
$ perl c:/Perl/scripts/SalomeToXQual.pl
Cant locate XML/LibXML.pm in @INC (@INC contains: c:/Perl/site/lib c:/Perl/lib .) at c:/Perl/scripts/SalomeToXQual.pl line 283.

=head2 DESIGN



use strict;

use XML::LibXML;

# defaults
my $filename = shift;
my $ofilename;
my $match = shift;
$filename="c:/Documents and Settings/james.coleman/Desktop/xml_export_olc_all.xml" if (!defined $filename);
#$match = "SU_A2 OLC" if (undef $match);
$match = "" if (!defined($match));
my $matchhash = $match;
$matchhash =~ s/[^wd]/_/g;
if (!defined $ofilename) {
$ofilename =~ s/.xml$//;
$ofilename .= "_${matchhash}.csv";
print "$0 filename=$filename ofilename=$ofilename match=$match ";

my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $doc = $parser->parse_file($filename);

# TODO user passes in filename [optional outfile] [optional regexp/list of famille to take]
#my $c = $#ARGV + 1;
#print FILE "ARGC=$c ";
#foreach my $i (0 .. $#ARGV) {
# print FILE "arg ARGV[$i]=$ARGV[$i] ";

open(FILE, >, $ofilename) or die $!;

# ct = current test
my %ct;
my ($category,$priority,$canonicalPath,$path);
my ($index,$impl,$name);
my ($step,$param1,$param2,$check1,$check2);

$ct{category} = "0xdeadbeef";
$ct{path} = "0xdeadbeef";
$ct{index} = "0xdeadbeef";
$ct{name} = "0xdeadbeef";
$ct{step} = "0xdeadbeef";
$ct{param1} = "";
$ct{param2} = "";
$ct{check1} = "";
$ct{check2} = "";

$ct{priority} = 4;
$ct{canonicalPath} = "";
$ct{impl} = 0;

$ct{project} = $doc->findnodes(//Nom)->to_literal;

foreach my $f ($doc->findnodes(//Familles/Famille)) {
my($n) = $f->findnodes(./Nom);
print $n->to_literal, " ";

next if ($match eq "");

$_ = $n->to_literal;
if (m/$match/) {
print "MATCH ", $n->to_literal, " ";
$ct{category} = $n->to_literal;
$ct{cathash} = $ct{category};
$ct{cathash} =~ s/ /_/g;
$ct{path} = "/IntuneTest/".$ct{cathash}."TestScript";

#my $s = $f->findnodes(./SuiteTests);
#print "Suite: ", $s->to_literal, " ";
my($tests) = $f->findnodes(.//Tests);
#print "Tests: ", $tests->to_literal, " ";

#category;priority;canonicalPath;path(script name)
# index;implemented;name
# step;param1,param2,...;check1,check2,...
print FILE " $ct{category};$ct{priority};$ct{canonicalPath};$ct{path} ";

foreach my $t ($tests->findnodes(.//Test)) {

my @a0 = $t->attributes();
#$ct{index} = $t->getAttribute(test_id);
$ct{index} = $a0[0]->getValue();
$ct{index} =~ s/[^0-9]//g;

my $tn = $t->findnodes(./Nom);
$ct{name} = $tn->to_literal;

# no test name in .csv :( NO, actually yuou can do it (and must I think) - had a different problem
# AND two s are VITAL!
print FILE " $ct{index};$ct{impl};$ct{name} ";
#print FILE " $ct{index};$ct{impl} ";
# place test name in 1st test step
#print FILE " $ct{name};; ";

### TODO Test Description not included
# my $desc = $tests->findnodes(./Description)) {
foreach my $step ($t->findnodes(./TestManuel/ActionTest)) {
my @stepa0 = $step->attributes();
$ct{step} = $stepa0[0]->getValue();
$ct{step} .= "," . $step->findnodes(./Nom)->to_literal;
$ct{step} .= "," . $step->findnodes(./Description)->to_literal;
$ct{check1} = $step->findnodes(./ResultAttendu)->to_literal;
#print FILE " $ct{step};$ct{param1},$ct{param2},;$ct{check1},$ct{check2}, ";
$ct{step} =~ s/[;,]/_/g;
$ct{param1} =~ s/[;,]/_/g;
$ct{check1} =~ s/[;,]/_/g;
print FILE " $ct{step};$ct{param1};$ct{check1} ";

my $ts = time();

close FILE;

Go to link Download