Thursday, January 12, 2017

Shamoon a new malware steals data and overwrites MBR

Shamoon a new malware steals data and overwrites MBR

CBSA newly discovered  trojan   is spreading   fast  , which is designed to damaging a victims computer once it has harvested sensitive data.Its being called either Disttrack  or the Shamoon    . It  steals the data  from the Users, Documents and Settings, and System32/Drivers and System32/Config folders on Windows computers.It also  overwrites files and the Master Boot Record  of the machine and  latter  PC becomes unbootable.According to Kaspersky Labs this   trojan  consists of a 900KB folder that contains a number of "encrypted resources".The affected OS are  Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows 200, Windows Vista, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008.

Symantec said it has updated its antivirus to protect against the malware.Seculert wrote in a blog post about Shamoon, you can read the post here

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