Tuesday, December 20, 2016



clip_image002[4]Located in Southeast Asia between Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Malaysia, Siam – now Thailand – has a long and storied history. A beautiful and mysterious land of dark forests and ancient mountains, Siam has seen occupation and revolution, flood and famine, and the rise and fall of empires. A romanticized view of Siam persists in the West, largely because of the entertaining and highly inaccurate musical, “The King and I.” The reality is much more interesting and has fewer lovable English governesses civilizing things.

In fact, Siam’s greatest triumph may have been its avoidance of European colonial domination, unlike that suffered by every other Southeast Asian country.

Leader: Ramkhamhaeng (1240 – 1298 AD)

clip_image004[4]In 1278, a prince named “Ramkhamhaeng” inherited the small and unimportant kingdom of Sukhothai. In twenty years, employing a brilliant combination of military genius and shrewd diplomacy, he expanded his country’s borders and influence to cover much of Southeast Asia. Ramkhamhaeng is viewed today as a great leader and the first to rule over a united Siam.

Unique Trait

Father Governs Children: Food and Culture gifts from friendly City-States are increased by 50%.

Unique Unit


Naresuans Elephant

Replaces Knight

Unique Building



Replaces University

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