Friday, December 16, 2016

Shortcuts for openbox lxde

Shortcuts for openbox lxde

To create custom keyboard shortcuts, edit your ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml accordingly (If you are a LXDE user, the file is named~/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml) :
File: ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml
<keybind key="KeyCombination">
<action name="Execute">
Note: Replace KeyCombination by the key combination you want. Replace CTRL by C, ALT by A,SHIFT by S, SUPER (or Windows) by W, and separate your keystrokes by a dash (-).
Example :
File: ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml
<keybind key="A-f">
<action name="Execute">
Note: This configuration will bind firefox to a ALT+F keystroke. (Use firefox-bin if you installed firefox-bin.)

Key combination

KEY-COMBINATION is the key combination which you want to bind to the actions. The format for the KEY-COMBINATION is: Modifier-Modifier-Key. Any number of modifiers (0 or more) can be used together, and they are each separated by a "-".


Modifier keys
SShift key
CControl key
AAlt key
WSuper key (Usually bound to the Windows key on keyboards which have one)
MMeta key
HHyper key (If it is bound to something)
You can also use Mod1 through Mod5 as the modifiers to directly select a modifier mask (e.g. Mod1 to select Mod1Mask), but this is for advanced users who have customized their modifier mapping with xmodmap.

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