Friday, November 11, 2016

Samsung ML 2166W Driver Download

Samsung ML 2166W Driver Download

Samsung ML-2166W Driver Download

Samsung ML-2166W Driver Download

Samsung ML-2166W Driver Download - The Samsung ML-2165W, we were printing entangled authoritative records that would hold up in any court. Its one of the best versatile inkjet printers to get through our office. The bundle accompanies guidelines, a client guide and a CD with the client manual and drivers. Be that as it may, we didnt utilize any of it. We just connected the printer to a force source, then into the USB terminal of our test PC. The PC distinguished the printer consequently and downloaded the fundamental drivers. We stacked the plate with paper and began printing. This Samsung printer is attachment and-play getting it done. 

The Wi-Fi segment of the printer is more entangled than the USB alternative. After controlling up the gadget, another alternative showed up in our Wi-Fi system choices marked "Portthru." You do need to set up the printer through the typical techniques, ensuring your PC perceives the new equipment, yet that just takes a few moments. When we did that, we were satisfied to find that this printer is its own Wi-Fi island, with no compelling reason to associate it to a current remote system. 

Samsung gives free applications to iOS, Android and Windows 7 gadgets that permit you to print photographs and reports specifically from your gadget. Notwithstanding, these are more muddled than the just attachment and-play association with the PC, and in our testing we were not able get a record to print effectively. 

This Samsung printer is little and versatile. This is a twofold edged sword in light of the fact that the heap and print plate are not exactly a foot from one another. While putting the printer through its paces, we needed to keep an eye on entire procedure in light of the fact that if the print plate got too full, printed pages would drop out of the plate and onto the floor. One of the reports we printed was a 70-page authoritative record. Had we cleared out the printer for a minute to get some espresso, we would have return to a wreck of papers everywhere throughout the test lab. When youre managing substantial, convoluted tasks, you dont need a printer than can disturb the page request of reports. 

For a printer this size, the heap plate is shockingly extensive. In any case, it gets to be another child sitting issue in case youre printing records with high page tallies. In the event that the plate comes up short on paper and youre not present to promptly renew its supply, it can transform into a genuine bother.

Toward the end of our investigation, we trust that the Samsung ML-2165W is a decent versatile printer. Its best utilized for littler employments with low page checks. In the event that you routinely print anything past 20 pages, think about purchasing as a machine with a bigger print plate.

Samsung ML-2166W Driver Download Supports Os

Windows Vista 32 Bit -> Windows Vista 64-Bit
Windows XP 32 Bit -> Windows XP 64-Bit
Windows 8 32 Bit -> Windows 8 64-Bit
Windows 8.1 32 Bit -> Windows 8.1 64-Bit
Windows 7 32 Bit -> Windows 7 64-Bit
Mac Os

Samsung ML-2166W Driver Download Instalations

Steps Install Driver

  • To install the driver in your computer, you must have the setup driver you want to install, if you do not already have it, download it at the end of the article.
  • Find drivers that you downloaded, double click on the .exe file
  • Follow the instructions that appear when you install
  • Wait until the driver installation process you do run up to 100%.
  • Click Finish, then you can use the printer already.

Step Uninstall Driver

  • Remove Driver from your computer, the first step, click the star, then locate the control panel, then open the control panel.
  • Select uninstall a program, Search program you want to delete.
  • Click on the program you want to delete, and then click uninstall
  • Wait until the process is complete.
  • finish.

Samsung ML-2166W Driver Download

Samsung ML-2166W Driver For Windows


 Windows 7, XP And Vista 64-Bit


Windows 7, XP And Vista 32-Bit


Windows 8 And 8.1


Samsung ML-2166W Driver For Mac Os


Mac Os (10.5), (10.6), (10.7)


Mac Os (10.8), (10.9)


Samsung ML-2166W Driver For Linux


Linux Debian


Linux Rpm


Go to link Download