Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Siemens Electric Airplane Flies Us Toward The Future

Siemens Electric Airplane Flies Us Toward The Future

Siemens Electric Airplane Flies Us Toward The Future A new type of electric motor — weighing just 50 kilograms, but delivering a continuous power output of around 260 kilowatts (roughly 5 times comparable drive systems) — was recently demonstrated live in an Extra 330LE aerobatic airplane by researchers from Siemens, according to a press release from the German giant. The (nearly silent) demonstration took place at Schwarze Heide Airport near Dinslaken, Germany, and represents the first public flight of an electric aircraft with a 260-kilowatt power output. The company’s plan is reportedly to integrate the technology into the development of hybrid-electric aircraft, in partnership with Airbus. See

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