Thursday, February 16, 2017
Shhhh Librarian and other folks Google Search tips
Shhhh Librarian and other folks Google Search tips
You can take the gal out of the Library but not the Library out of the Gal...
I worked for 23 yrs in a Hospital Medical Library as a Library Technician (a library assistant, support staff, paraprofessional, - what ever the name, I was a GOOD ONE!!)
I retired at the end of 2004.
I even had developed my own website with resources just for support staff....but sadly - once I retired I veered away from tending to my site and it sits now sadly negleted and a shadow of its former self - once used by many as a good resource for Library Support Staff.
I probably will at some point just take it all down :-(
like they say all good things come to an end someday.
Anyway on a more positive note - folks often ask me "how I know what I know" or how "I find" what I find so easily. Well - there are tricks to the Internet search - answer seeking - that I thought I would share with you - but only via these internet links:
Google For Librarians: 50 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Power Searching
excerpt quoted from website
Google For Librarians: 50 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Power Searching
July 16th, 2008
Librarians are known in their communities as the go-to resource for power searches, research projects and answers to every kind of query. As informed as librarians are, however, they can always use some help harnessing the overwhelming amount of information available online. This list of 50 tips, guides and tools is designed to give librarians some help when searching Google for quality, relevant information for themselves and their patrons.
Read all about it and see the many tips & links provided in this article:
Looking for tools to help teach your students and patrons how to use Google more effectively?
Printable PDFs **anyone can print these out and have at your side or filed for future reference
download and distribute these materials as widely as youd like.
Top Ten Ways to Search More Effectively on Google
* By Michael Miller * Jan 13, 2009 * Article is provided courtesy of Que
excerpt quoted from website
Want to perform more efficient and effective Google searches? In this article, Googlepedia author Michael Miller presents his top ten tips for finding just the information you want when searching Google, the top search site on the web.
Ultimate Google Search Tips
10 obscure Google search tips
10 Most Amazing Google Search Tricks
5 Most Exciting Search Tricks with Google Operators
What types of specific searches does Google offer? Heres a list of some of the most useful:
excerpt from
* Google Blog Search: Searches blogs and blog posts
* Google Book Search: Sarches the contents of current and out-of-print books
* Google Directory: Searches an editor-assembled directory of web pages
* Google Finance
* Google Groups: Searches Usenet newsgroups and other user groups
* Google Image Search: Searches photographs and other online images
* Google Maps: Searches for and displays maps of street addresses and other locations
* Google News: Searches current news articles
* Google News Archive Search: Searches older news articles
* Google Patent Search: Searches for patent information
* Google Product Search: Searches for current pricing on selected products
* Google Scholar: Searches for articles and other scholarly information
* Google USA Government Search
* Google University Search
* Google Video: Searches for specific YouTube videos
Top 10 Search tips
12 quick tips for searching Google
Search your own Desktop or Computer
Search your computer as easily as you search the web with Google
Find and launch applications and files with just a few keystrokes
Happy Searching, Happy Finding just what you need to know
Mary a.k.a. LibMary
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