Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Review Presentation at Flash Camp Indonesia January 20 2011

Review Presentation at Flash Camp Indonesia January 20 2011

70760_1016721490_1256827_n Acara Flash Camp pada tanggal 20 januari sudah berlalu, tetapi kesannya masih terus ada. Keinginan terus memajukan komunitas Adobe semakin besar, terutama komunitas Flex dan AIR yang tergolong masih baru. Coba kita flash back, AIR awalnya project sederhana dengan code name Apollo kala itu, sekarang sudah menjadi produk yang besar dan multiplatform semua sisi telah didukung dari Desktop (Windows, Mac OSX, dan Linux) dan Mobile (general phone, Android, dan Playbook). Nah pada tanggal 20 tersebut saya berkesempatan membahas tema yang sangat baru sekali yaitu “Development Playbook Application With Adobe AIR 2.5 dan QNX SDK”, kebetulan project di kantor ada yang berhubungan dengan playbook jadi sekalian riset juga buat aplikasi untuk demo di acara ini. Alhasil dibuatlah G-Spot. Sebetulnya ingin sekali lebih banyak mempresentasikan tentang pengembangan playbook serta demo G-Spot tetapi karena koneksi internet yang kurang baik dan waktunya sedikit, sehingga tidak memungkinkan.




Berikut aplikasi demo G-Spot pada Flash Camp Indonesia

Apa sech G-Spot?

G-Spot kepanjangan dari Gayaku Spot, saat ini sedang dikembangkan oleh Tubagus Saepul Anwar, Yoga Pratama, Adhi Pamungkas, dan Yoanudin. Project dimulai tanggal 1 januari 2010.

Teknologi apa yang digunakan untuk pengembangan aplikasi G-Spot?

Adobe AIR 2.5 dan QNX SDK

Apa saja fitur-fiturnya?

Saat ini fitur yang tersedia Cinema, Event, Restaurant, Shopping (Search), Wheather, Sport, dan Info kost

Device Apa saja yang support sekarang ini?

Masih tersedia untuk Galaxy Tab dan Playbook, dan masih Beta Version


Apa saja kebutuhan G-Spot?

saat ini G-Spot masih menggunakn server biasa tapi kedepannya akan seperti ini

  • Server Type : Shared Hosting (Prefer. Dedicated)
  • Server OS : Any Linux (Prefer. RedHat or Debian Distro)
  • HDD Capacity : 1.2 GB (PHP 5 and MySQL 5)
  • Server RAM : 2 GB (Prefer. 4G)
  • Bandwidth : Unlimited (Local and International)



Screen shot dari G-Spot di Galaxy Tab



Samsung_Galaxy_Tab_2Samsung_Galaxy_Tab_3Samsung_Galaxy_Tab_4   Samsung_Galaxy_Tab_21 Samsung_Galaxy_Tab_20 Samsung_Galaxy_Tab_19




Source Pengembangan Playbook dengan Adobe AIR 2.5 dan QNX SDK

  • http://www.blackberry.com/developers/docs/airapi/1.0.0/index.html
  • http://www.adobe.com/devnet/devices/articles/blackberry_tablet_os_sdk.html
  • http://www.unitedmindset.com/jonbcampos/2010/10/25/flex-4-5-mobile-development-post-burrito/
  • http://insideria.com/2010/08/detecting-screen-orientation-i.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+oreilly/insideria+(InsideRIA)
  • http://supportforums.blackberry.com/t5/Tablet-OS-SDK-for-Adobe-AIR/Flex-for-the-BlackBerry-PlayBook-in-90-Minutes/ta-p/720803
  • http://us.blackberry.com/developers/tablet/adobe.jsp



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Run any Internet Site from Windows Calculator

Run any Internet Site from Windows Calculator

Calculator ????? ?????????????????????

Windows ???? ???????? Calculator ?? Standard calculator ????? Scientific calculator ???????????????? ??????????? ???????? ???????????? ????????????? ????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????????? sine, cosine ?????????? ?????????? statistical calculation ??? ?????????? ???????? ??????????????????? ??????????????? ????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????? ?????????? Calculator ??? ???????????? ???????? ?????????????? ??????????

??????????????????? ?????????-
(?) Start ??? Click ????????? All Programs ?? ????? Accessories > Calculator ?? ????????? ???????????????????? Open ?????????? (????) (Run Box ?????? calc ?? ????????? OK ??? click ??????????????????? ??????????????????)
(?) ?????? ?????????????????? Calculator ?????????????
(?) ????????? Menu Bar ??? Help ?? Help Topics ??? ???????? click ??????????? (????) Keyboard ?? F1 ??? ??????????????????? ?????????????

(?) ???????? ?????????????????? Help Windows ??????????? ????????????? Help Windows ??? ??????????? ??????????????????? icon ????????? click ????????????????????

(?) ????????? ?????????????????? Jump to URL... ??? ??????????????

(?) Jump to URL dialog box ??????????? ???????????? ????????????????? ???????????????????? ?????????? http:// ?????? (Hyper Text Transport Protocol) ?????????? ??????????? ????????????

???????? ???????? Browser ??????????????? ??????????? ???????????? ?????????????

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Monday, February 27, 2017

Reset Epson K101 End of Service Life Error message Update Epson Resetter

Reset Epson K101 End of Service Life Error message Update Epson Resetter

Reset Epson K101 End of Service Life Error message - Update

New Post has been published on http://resetkey.net/reset-epson-k101-end-of-service-life-error-message.html

Reset Epson K101 End of Service Life Error message

If your Epson K101 printer shows problem message “The Printer’s Ink Pads at the end of Their service life” and Epson K101 printer has red light blinking problem: You should be download and reset Epson K101 printer Waste Ink Counter with Epson K101 Resetter (how to reset) Epson…

Welcome to Resetkey.net

You can download wic reset utility and get resetkey at Resetkey.net

Post via Tumblr http://wicreset.tumblr.com/post/147293903009

Welcome to epsonresetkey.blogspot.com

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Romania and the Last Frontier Day 7 p m A Quiet Afternoon

Romania and the Last Frontier Day 7 p m A Quiet Afternoon

After the manic morning session with the jackals and eagles, I was feeling in the need for a relatively relaxed afternoon. Another wave of exhaustion had come over me after a very long week of sleep deprivation. I had actually found this trip to Romania much less exhausting than the previous year and  more relaxed. On the trip last year, the lack of sleep obviously had an impact on my immune system as I contracted septic tonsillitis as soon I returned to the UK, an illness I have not had since childhood. I think the spluttering person sat next to me on the plane home may have been the source.  I think this trip had been more chilled,  partly due to it being a repeat visit to the Danube Delta, but also I have tried to take a much more laid back approach to my photography this year. I have grown weary of the degree of ridiculous competitiveness, and the unpleasant undercurrent of deceit that it floats on,  which sadly seems to have developed in wildlife photography in recent years. So I made a conscious decision at the start of the year, that I would set out to immerse myself even more with the wildlife and be removed from the pressure of pleasing anyone except myself. It is for this reason I have entered no photography competitions this year and concentrated on spending more time in the company of a few species close to home. It has been refreshing.

Over a pasta lunch we discussed the plans for the afternoon. Rene having seen some of my Bearded Tit photos from the previous day fancied trying to improve on those he had taken when we first arrived. I offered to take him out to try and help.

We picked up on of the electric buggies and headed out in mid afternoon but the light was still too harsh for trying for the acrobatic tits among the reed stems so we decided we would visit one of the hides to pass some time. The one we selected was a small reed clad hide set on the corner of an L-shaped pond which had some posts set in the water in front of it which frequently seemed to be used by terns.

I was hoping to get some photos of terns landing or hovering over the posts but it proved to be very quiet and the slight breeze was in the wrong direction. We took photographs of the couple of terns, a Whiskered and a Common, that came in and perched up on the posts for a while.

While we were sat that a long thin snake swam across the surface of the channel in front of us before crawling up out on the far bank. After a bit of Google searching we identified it as a Diced Water Snake. Interestingly at home I struggle to get a mobile signal yet everywhere we went in the Danube Delta I seemed to have full mobile and 3G signal!

After a while the sun seemed to be softening down and we decided it was time to go and look for the Bearded Tits. Once again I seemed to find myself photographing Bearded Tits but was more than happy to try and help Rene get some photos and maybe I would get the shot of a male bird I had visioned in my head since arriving. So off we headed down the western track and tried the three places that had been the most productive the previous day. After a bit of effort we managed locate and get some photographs of the birds. Again it was the juveniles that provided most of the camera action.
Right at the end of the session I finally managed to get the photograph I was hoping for of a male bird on a solitary stem at the edge of the reeds.

Rene wanted to head back to the the hotel which brought an end to a relaxed session. As we arrived back at the ranch, we bumped into Zoli. He asked if we wanted to see a Penduline Tit nest he had found that afternoon. Rene declined but I was curious to see this odd structure and so found myself heading back along the tracks to a spot a short-distance from the hotel.

The nest was low in a willow tree at the side of pool and proved very awkward to get an angle on for a clear shot of it. The nest is a truly remarkable structure that looks a bit like a small rugby ball made of cotton wool with a small entrance funnel at the top. After watching it for a short while it began to shake a little and the bandit masked face of the tiny Penduline tit appeared in the entrance.
My first opportunity to see one of these birds up close and I was surprised how small it was as I had always envisaged them to be larger. The light was all but gone to try and get any photographs of the bird out of the nest but it gave me some ideas for something to possibly try for the following and final day of the trip which I intend to recount in one large blog post.

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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Running Windows applications in the Linux with Crossover

Running Windows applications in the Linux with Crossover

With applications such as this crossover linux mania can install a variety of popular applications in the Windows operating system to Linux in the audiences, not only the application, but plugins, games and popular games you can install windows in linux, without the need for the license is owned by Microsoft Operating System. Crossover has a user-friendly display, easy to use, and make the installation process the applications in the windows linux become very easy and fast. After the installation process is complete application windows are directly integrated with the desktop manager such as KDE or Gnome. 
Once the case with the plugin in the windows are truly to be integrated with the browser in linux, of course, with brokers cross over this. The author think this crossover linux feasible in the attempt. : 

Applications that have been in support include: 
-  Microsoft Office 2007, 2003, XP, 2000 and 97 
-  Microsoft Word 
-  Microsoft Excel 
-  Microsoft PowerPoint 
-  Microsoft Outlook 
-  Microsoft Access 
-  Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 
-  Microsoft Project 
-  Adobe Photoshop 
-  Microsoft Visio 
-  Lotus Notes 5.0 and 6.5.1 
-  Quicken 
-  FrameMaker 
-  Various Web Browser Plugins 
-  QuickTime 
-  Shockwave Director 
-  Windows Media Player 6.4 
-  and more ... 

Cross over linux can download here ...

source: ilmuwebsite.com

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Jasa Resetter Epson L1300 Jarak Jauh
5 Menit Langsung JADI

* Biaya 50rb per printer.
* 5 menit Langsung jadi. (Tidak Perlu angkat2 dan Bongkar Printer)
* Syaratnya harus ada koneksi internet.
* Jam Reset Online Flexibel, bisa janjian dulu.

Caranya :
* Pasang Printer Epson L1300 dan Nyalakan. Driver Printer Epson L1300 tidak perlu di install.
* Download Program FLEXIHUB klik di bit.ly/ekoreset26
* Install Program tersebut.
* Login dengan : ekohasanreset@gmail.com
* Password : rst123456878
* Setelah Login berhasil, jangan Klik apapun di programnya. dan Infokan kepada kami kalau sudah Login dan Transfer kami terima, RESET akan segera kami kerjakan.
* Mohon Maaf, Reset Printer di Proses setelah Transfer kami Terima
* Dan Epson L1300 anda, siap digunakan kembali....

CARA ORDER => klik di SINI

IM3 : 0857 4001 8404
AS   : 0853 2772 0280
Pin BB : 57B2F96C
WA : 0857 4001 8404
YM : ekowiwid@yahoo.com
FB : Eko Hasan Boja
Rumah : Puri Delta Asri 1 Blok L No.4, Campurejo, Boja, Kendal, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. 51381

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Service Printer HP Mati Total

Service Printer HP Mati Total

Dokter Printer - Cara service printer seri HP Deskjet jenis 3325, 3535, 3744, 3920,3940, 2466, 1550 dll, Jika mengalami Mati total atau sering disebut dengan MATOT. Di Artikel kali ini Dokter Printer akan share rahasia cara perbaiki printer HP yang mengalami kerusakan MATOT alias mati total.

Printer HP yang mengalami MATOT biasanya disebabkan karena 2 hal :
1. Karena Rusak Adaptornya. Coba kawan cek dulu Uotput adaptornya dengan menggunakan Multitester, ada tegangan output kisaran 32v dan 15v tidak? Kalau tidak ada berarti adaptor rusak dan  harus diganti, tapi kalau ada kita kelangkah yang kedua.
2. Kita bongkar Printer dan kita ambil Mainboardnya, kemudian kita cek di bagian dioda yang tampak seperti gambar di bawah ini.

3. Untuk bentuk detail diodanya seperti gambar dibawah ini.

4. Kemudian sobat cek diodanya dengan menggunakan multitester. Caranya arahkan penunjuk multitester ke arah Ohm meter x10, kemudian colokan ujungnya masing-masing ke kaki dioda, kemudian dibalik ujungnya. Apabila semua jarum bergerak ketika kita test bolak-balik tadi maka Dioda short / rusak, tp kalau cuma sekali saja bergeraknya maka Dioda dalam keadaan baik alias bagus. he he...

5. Jika ternyata Diodanya short / rusak, carilah dioda pengganti yang ukuranya 2 ampere. Kemudian gantilah dioda yang rusak dengan dioda yang baru. Contoh dioda 2 ampere seperti gambar dibawah ini :

6. Setelah dilakukan penggantian, coba sobat lakukan test dulu sebelum board kita pasangkan kembali supaya kita tidak kerja dua kali, dengan cara mencolokkan adaptornya ke mainboard kemudian pencet sklarnya, jika lampu power menyala kedip-kedip berarti sobat berhasil. horerrr......berhasil......
saking senangnya lidahnya jadi nyindet....wkkk....:D, akan tetapi sobat Dokter Printer semunya apabila langkah tadi kita tidak berhasil juga berarti kerusakan sudah menjalar ke IC Chipset. Sobat harus LEM BIRU tuh Mainboard (Lempar beli yang baru maksudnye...:) ), kisaran dananya 175an ribu.

Selamat Mencoba kawan.....SEMOGA BERHASIL...!!!

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Resep Nasi Goreng Spesial

Resep Nasi Goreng Spesial

Berikut ini cara membuat resep nasi goreng spesial. Search engine terbesar seperti google pun memiliki kata pencarian tinggi terhadap resep nasi goreng spesial. Maka dari itu resep masakan lengkap dan komplit tak ketinggalan memberikan info bagaimana membuat nasi goreng spesial.

Nasi goreng spesial sangat digemari di Indonesia, selain itu  itu bisa dijadikan lahan bisnis dengan berjualan nasi goreng spesial. Mungkin bagi bunda akan membuat nasi goreng spesial di rumah, tepat sekali karena kami menyediakan resep membuat nasi goreng spesial. Berikut ini langkah langkah membuatnya, semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi bunda di rumah.
Bahan resep nasi goreng spesial :
  • 4 piring Nasi putih
  • 100 gr dada ayam, potong, dan goreng hingga matang
  • 200 gr udang buang kepala dan kulitnya, goreng
  • 2 sendok makan kecap manis
  • 2 sendok makan saus tomat
  • 2 buah cabai merah, buang isinya, iris serong
  • mentega untuk menggoreng
Bahan bumbu halus :
  • 3 siung bawang putih
  • 5 siung bawang merah
  • 1/2 dendok teh gula pasir
  • 1 sendok teh garam
  • 1/2 sendok teh, terasi 
Bahan Pelengkap : 
  • Bawang goreng, secukupnya
  • 4 butir telur ceplok
Cara membuat Nasi goreng : 
  1. Panaskan mentega, lalu masukkan bumbu halus dan cabai merah, masak hingga harum
  2. Masukka nasi, ayam, udang dan aduk lagi hingga tercampur rata
  3. Tambahkan saus tomat, dan kecap manis, lalu aduk hingga benar benar rata dan tercampur sempurna
  4. Sajikan selagi hangat dengan bahan pelengkanya.

Di postingan nasigoreng spesial saya juga akan memberikan nasi goreng jawa yang tak kalah enak dengan nasi goreng spesial. Mari kita coba juga membuatnya dirumah untuk hidangan keluarga tercinta dirumah. Ciri khas dari nasi goreng jawa ini terdapat telur ceplok dan mentimun sebagai pelengkapnya.

Bahan :
  • 500 gram nasi
  • 100 gram udang basah , potong kulitnya dan bersihkan
  • 200 gram daging sapi rebus, potong panjang tipis
  • 2 sendok makan kecap manis
  • 2 sengok makan minyak goreng
Bumbu yang dihaluskan :
  • 4 buah cabai merah buang bijinya
  • 1 sendok teh terasi
  • 1 sendok teh garam
  • 6 buah bawang merah
  • 3 siung bawang putih
  • 1 sendok teh ketumbar
  • 1/2 sendok gula pasir
Bahan Pelengkap :
  • 2 buah mentipun, kupas bersihkan dan potong potong
  • 2 butir telur ayam, ceplok
  • Kerupuk udang
  • Bawang goreng secukupnya
Cara Membuat Nasi goreng Jawa :
  1. Tumis bumbu yang telah dihaluskan. Tambahkan 3 sendok makan air dan kecap manis dan aduk rata.
  2. Masukkan daging dan udang kemudian aduk sebentar.Setelah itu masukkan nasi aduk hingga bumbu merata di atas api yang kecil. Setelah tercampur rata kemudian angkat.
  3. Sajikan dengan pelengkap nasi goreng jawa seperti kerupuk udang, telor ceplok, mentimun yang telah diiris, dan bawang goreng diatas nasi goreng jawa.
Selamat mencoba resep nasi goreng spesial dan istimewa ini.

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Reset Epson Artisan 730 End of Service Life Error message Update Epson Resetter

Reset Epson Artisan 730 End of Service Life Error message Update Epson Resetter

Reset Epson Artisan 730 End of Service Life Error message - Update

New Post has been published on http://resetkey.net/reset-epson-artisan-730-end-of-service-life-error-message.html

Reset Epson Artisan 730 End of Service Life Error message

If Epson Artisan 730 printer shows problem message “The Printer’s Ink Pads at the end of Their service life” and your Epson Artisan 730 printer has red light blinking error: You need to download and reset your Epson Artisan 730 printer Waste Ink Pads Counter with Epson Artisan…

Welcome to Resetkey.net

You can download wic reset utility and get resetkey at Resetkey.net

Post via Tumblr http://wicreset.tumblr.com/post/143170248919

Welcome to epsonresetkey.blogspot.com

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Seasons of Love

Seasons of Love

As it approaches the end of the 2nd year marking Pauls passing from his life on earth, I am often lifted up by listening to the beautiful words of the song from the musical Rent : Seasons of Love by Jonathan D. Larson

How Do You Measure a Life?

Lyrics | Rent lyrics - Seasons Of Love lyrics

Cherish the LOVE you Have & Receive for/from those in Your own Seasons of Life.

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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Rent A Car In Cyprus

Rent A Car In Cyprus

Belfast is the second largest city on the Ireland islands and the fifteenth largest city in the Cyprus. This place is indeed a great tourist destination and the most preferred tourist spot in the Cyprus. This busy city which is known for its hospitality has heaps of visitor attractions which includes the Giant’s causeway, the Glenarm Castle’s historic walled gardens, heritage island, rowallane garden, ulster folk museum, titanic’s dock and pump house and the balloo nature reserve. Belfast is basically a car dependent city. Road travel is extensive here. Tourists, who want to cover the maximum number of sight seeing places in Belfast, should therefore opt for renting a car in order to make their travel comfortable and memorable.

To rent a car cyprus sounds like an expensive affair but it definitely is not, when the traveler makes his car hire choice from 121carhirecyprus.com. This website saves you from the hassle of visiting one car hire to another for getting the best deals. Budget deals can be made from a wide choice of car hire suppliers in Belfast. You can hire a car Larnaca Airport, from the time you arrive there until you board the flight back to your hometown. The car is at your service and you can drive it down like it is your own. The website offers a wide range of cars to choose from and add-on facilities like child seats, satellite navigation, air-conditioning etc. are also provided to give the traveler the best travel experience around the city.

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Revision CNN App for Android Phones apk

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Reset Printer Canon Pixma Mp 258

Reset Printer Canon Pixma Mp 258

Bagi anda pengguna Printer Canon PIXMA MP-258 yang mengalami masalah dimana Printer mengalami error yang biasanya menyebabkan lampu LED printer ngeblink atau berkedip dan ditandai dengan adanya pesan error code di LCD nya sehingga membutuhkan proses Reset sistem di IC, maka dengan tutorial ini semoga saja dapat membantu masalah anda.
Biasanya hanya beberapa error code saja yang memang membutuhkan proses service Reset, umum-nya error code P07, E08, E13, E13, E16 dan lainnya. oh ya untuk sebagian jenis error code lain biasanya bisa di perbaiki tanpa harus melakukan reset, Ada yang hanya menekan tombol  resume hingga memperbaiki printer dengan cara membongkarnya, untuk kali ini saya akan memberikan tips untuk mereset printer type canon pixma mp-258, dan dibawah ini sudah saya sertakan  link download resetter printer canon mp-258.

Silahkan anda simak dahulu artikel mengenai Cara mereset printer Mp-258 ini sebelum anda melanjutkan ke Tkp. Seperti biasa untuk dapat melakukan proses reset menggunakan aplikasi Service Tool, Printer Canon PIXMA MP258 perlu di set dalam keadaan SERVICE MODE terlebih dahulu lalu kemudian di Reset menggunakan aplikasi Service Tool yang sudah saya sediakan dibawah ini atau bahasa teknisnya sering dinamakan dengan Resetter. untuk lebih lengkapnya berikut caranya :

  1. Printer Harus dalam keadaan mati dan kabel listrik terpasang.
  2. Tekan dan Tahan Tombol STOP/RESET, kemudian tekan tombol POWER dan tahan. (Harus Urut dan keduanya ditekan jangan dilepas)
  3. Lepas tombol STOP/RESET tetapi Jangan Lepas Tombol POWER
  4. Tekan tombol STOP/RESET 2x dalam keadaan tombol power masih ditekan. (tombol power harus ditekan terus, dan tombol Stop/reset ditekan dua kali)
  5. Lepas kedua tombol secara bersamaan. (Tombol power dan stop/reset dilepas bersamaan)
  6. Printer akan berproses beberapa saat (agak lama), kemudian LCD Panel akan menunjukkan angka NOL (0) dan Pada Komputer akan mendeteksi DEVICE BARU, Abaikan saja.
  7. Sampai disini printer MP258 sudah dalam keadaan SERVICE MODE dan siap direset.
Cara Reset dan Menggunakan Resetter Canon PIXMA MP258.
  1. Download Resetter disini, kemudian Extrack lalu jalankan
  2. Pasang minimal 2 lembar kertas di printer (ini untuk print pada waktu proses reset)
  3. Klik “MAIN”, tunggu sampai printer selesai mencetak
  4. Klik “EEPROM Clear”.
  5. Kemudian klik “EEPROM”, kemudian print akan mencetak lagi
  6. Matikan Printer, kemudian hidupkan lagi dengan cara normal.

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